Submit evidence

The Commission on the Future of Oracy Education in England is an independent Commission established to examine the vital skills of speaking and listening, at a time of unprecedented technological and social change.

With the demands of a global economy, the surge of artificial intelligence and technology, the persistent and pernicious achievement gap and the generational impact of the pandemic, the need to take speaking & listening seriously has never been greater.

The Commission will examine the aims and purpose of oracy in schools and propose a blueprint for how an effective oracy entitlement can be delivered.

Call for Evidence – why your views matter:
This Call for Evidence seeks to build and explore the evidence base around the social, educational and economic impacts of oracy. The Commission wants to find best practice case studies from the UK and around the world and draw in the latest research.

What are we seeking input on?
The Commission is interested in receiving submissions on both research and practice around the following themes:

  • Links between oracy and specific subject outcomes
  • Links between oracy and outcomes in career and business
  • Links between oracy and mental health
  • Links between oracy, advocacy and democracy
  • The role of oracy in the context of rapid technological development

How to submit evidence
We are inviting submissions between 15 March 2024 and 15 May 2024.

For more information about the submission process or the Commission, please contact

Audio submissions of up to three minutes can be submitted via email to

Files can submitted in the following formats AAV, MP3, M4A, WAV, WMA, MOV, MPEG, MP4, WMV.

Please note that some audio files may be too large to send via email. If so, you can send via a file sharing platform such as WeTransfer.

Please provide the following details along with your submission:

  • A short description introducing your organisation, service or interest in
  • Whether you give permission:
    • For the report to quote your submission?
    • For us to attribute the submission to the organisation you belong to.
    • For us to attribute the submission to you personally, listing your job role?

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The questions below are grouped into the five themes the Commission will be looking at. You can submit evidence for a many themes as you wish. Please note that the introductory questions and final questions are required before you can submit your evidence.


Links between oracy education and specific subject outcomes.

Links between oracy and outcomes in career and business.

Links between oracy and mental health.

Links between oracy, advocacy and democracy.

The role of oracy in the context of rapid technological development.


Oracy and government

Please let us know whether you give permission:

For the report to quote your submission?
For us to attribute the submission to the organisation you belong to?
For us to attribute the submission to you personally, listing your job role?